Morning Prayer
This Lent you may want to take on the practice of beginning your day with other worshippers online in this brief service of scripture and prayers.
Sunday ServicesWe’re so glad you decided to worship with us!
8:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite Iquiet and contemplative service in the sanctuary
10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite Imore lively service in the sanctuary and livestreamed on Facebook with special attention to the needs of children
Lent is a season of deeper prayer and reflection, so it brings some special practices just for the season. Our services will follow the more penitential form of Rite I with its reverent language and emphasis on our unworthiness. Tealight candles will be available for you to light as you say a prayer. As the heat from the candle rises, you can picture your prayer continuing to ascend to God even after you've stopped praying.
Wednesday Services6:00 pm Supper
6:30 pm Service Each Wednesday of Lent we’ll gather at 6:00 for a simple meal together of soup and sandwiches. Then at 6:30 we’ll head into the church for an interactive, kid-friendly Eucharist service. Each week we’ll explore a phrase of the very familiar Lord's Prayer. Discussion and activities will help us focus on how we can better live out that phrase in our daily lives. Hopefully this prayer will take on a whole new meaning for us as we pray it each week! |
Stations of the Cross